Metasploit Video Tutorial Series

Hello Guys, we are back with some Awesome Metasploit Tutorial series that is unlisted from our YouTube Channel..
So we decided to put all of our Metasploit video tutorial  in a single post
In this post we gonna learn Exploiting Windows 7,Windows 10 and Android Smartphone via different techniques.

Metasploit is one of the most powerful and widely used tools for penetration testing. In this tutorial, we will take you through the various concepts and techniques of Metasploit and explain how you can use them in a real-time environment.

1. Hacking Windows with msfvenom encoded payload

2. Exploit Windows 10 With PowerShell Attack | Bypass AntiVirus

3. Exploit Windows 10 and Bypass AntiVirus with DKMC Python Script

4. Hack Windows 7 with Eternalblue-Doublepulsar Exploit through Metasploit + Privilege Escalation

5. Hack Android Remotely over WAN | Best WAY

Metasploit Video Tutorial Series Metasploit Video Tutorial Series Reviewed by Haxbaba Tech on 05:20 Rating: 5

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